About the Founder
The journey started about 10 years ago, when God put it on the founder Elmien Van Zyl’s heart that she must change her profession and reach out to children. She trusted the Lord and know He will lead her. A year later God send two little, troubled boys on her path. On that very first meeting her husband said to her “this is your ministry”. The couple reached out to help the two boys but unfortunately the boys were removed out of the father’s care before the couple could apply for foster care. A few months later a 10-month-old baby boy was placed in the care of the Van Zyl couple. Later a little girl was placed in temporary care with Van Zyl family. Elmien believed that God’s plan was not complete yet, but that He was only preparing her for wat is to come.
One family outing changed her life completely. She injured her back and was not able to return to her profession after surgery. She was in the Hair and Beauty industry for 28 years.
She started an aftercare for children helping them with homework and studies. She enquired at the Child protection organisation that handled her foster child’s case to become a volunteer, but instead they appointed her in a half day post. A year later she was appointed full time. She closed the aftercare but still helped children to learn Afrikaans as a language.
Through her work she noticed that the need in the community is growing rapidly. People in the community did not only suffer financial but spiritual as well. In her fourth year she had a conversation with a friend that is a social worker, she said that she wishes she could do more for the struggling people. The friend said that she must start her own program. Within three days two other social workers asked her why doesn’t she start her own program. They felt that she has all the skills needed and the hart to make a success of her own program.
She started her research on the specific needs in the community. God showed her one night during a parent meeting where the need is. She did more research and discovered that there is a great number of poor and vulnerable children that struggle academically. These children needed help.
She started to prepare the documentation to register a non-profit organization. Throughout the process people warned her that it is not easy to register a non- profit organization and that it may take a long period. She stayed faithful and said “if this is what God called me to do then He will open the door”. The documents were ready for submission, the Van Zyl family prayed and asked God that they will have an answer within 2 weeks. Two weeks later she received an email from the NPO office requesting her to add a few points on the constitution. She added the two points and resubmited the documentation. The family asked God again for two weeks. But at that point she was informed that the office will be closed for 2 weeks due to Covid. Ruth Drop-in Centre was registered two weeks after that.
She took the leap of faith to resign from her work. Her husband asked her to wait until he was permanently employed. She said to him “a leap of faith is to trust in God”. Her resignation letter was typed but she had to wait, unity in their marriage is very important to them. She trusted God to prepare the way. The very next day her husband was employed permanently.
She reigned from her work after five years to start a new journey. The negotiations, networking and planning started for Ruth Drop-in Centre.
Now after 25 years she understands the prophecy on her life. “You will be the mother of plenty and children will seek shelter at your feet”
About Us
Introduction To Ruth Drop-in Centre
Ruth Drop-in Centre’s is a Goldy calling. Ruth Drop-in Centre was established on the 10th of May 2021. The founder has a passion to help children in need. She has a Godly calling to touch the lives of people. She grew up in the community and know the needs and challenges of the less fortunate. She notices the increase of poverty in the community after the Covid19 lockdown in 2020. Unemployment increased and people struggle financially and emotionally. She decided to establish a Drop-in Centre in the community. She co-opted ten volunteers and held the first meeting on the 7th of August 2021. Ruth Drop-in Centre formed its first Service Management.
The ball started to roll….
The organisation is built on biblical principles. The organisation will follow the norms and values as determined in the Bible.
Ruth’s Drop-in Centre have empathy, tenderness, and sorrow for the misery of another. Our vision is to uplift and create opportunities for families with social needs.
Ruth’s Drop-in Centre render social services to previously disadvantaged children and families within the community to uplift and empower them to improve their quality of life.
Definition of Services
Ruth’s Drop-in Centre were established to focus on specific welfare and/or developmental needs in the community. The Centre have their own service managements with financial, administrative, and operational responsibilities.
Objectives of Service
To provide services to children and families through a range of programmes, projects, and activities, to promote their social well-being. The social needs of individuals involved in the centre will be met in their target groups.
To incorporate interested organizations and individuals, social welfare, development, and related services in the community to establish and promote the service to the community.
To develop skills that will lead to self-employment and encourage access to job opportunities.
To develop social and life skill programmes to promote meaningful interpersonal relationship.
To develop parenting skills to re- establish healthy family relationships in the community.
To develop intervention and prevention programmes to address challenges that forces youth.
To encourage youth volunteerism in order to promote social responsibility and morals in the generation.
To create a place where youth can develop art, music, and sport skills as well as youth development programmes.
To create a place where boys can grow with leadership of a father figure to be healthy family leaders.
Meet Our Team

Elmien Van Zyl – Founder

Nolo Chuene Sejeng – Chairlady

Lerato Moliko – Vice Chairlady

Soreta Papenfus – Treasurer

Salamina Moemise – Secretary

Jolene Fouche – Admin

Josephine Sigasa – Additional Member

Joyce Mphahlele – Additional Member

Ouma Mokoena – Additional Member

Ezelle Kimble – Additional Member

Thebogo Moemise – Additional Member